Drummer Runs Out of Gas, Decides To Jam

"Blast beats or GTFO"

What do you do when you're a drummer on the road and you happen to run out of gas? You break out your drum kit and jam! (apparently).

Here's the story according to Gawker:

"On Tuesday morning, a man driving on the Baltimore Beltway ran out of gas. So he did what anyone would do: He pulled over to the shoulder of I-695, set up his drum kit, and began to play until help arrived.

According to the Baltimore Sun, Maryland state troopers eventually spotted the drummer and pulled over to investigate. He told the troopers he'd decided to kill time by practicing. The troopers bought the man's story, called a State Highway Administration truck to refill his tank, and then sent him on his way without issuing a citation.

A police spokesperson didn't identify the mystery drummer."

[Via: Metal Injection]

Posted By:
Moe E.

"Moe is the head admin/editor at Metality.net. He's currently hating the weekly wait for new episodes of Game of Thrones."

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